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Misc: Re: A first proposal for the conduction of the debates

Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 20:29:45 -0400
From: Luis German Rodriguez <[email protected]>


A first proposal for the conduction of the debates Greetings to all, I share the stages contemplated in the proposal (and already some you they informed that it arrives to this position of a nice dissidence with those other members of the Coordination; -) I suggest that we sum up some activities for the first stage:

>STAGE 1: of the 8/9/99 at the 18/10/99, RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A CALENDAR
> Leaving of the established diagnoses, the VC should formulate recommendations for an integration of >the region in the society of the information that implies a positive social impact. We keep the same >thematic structure for the development of this phase: - Fear: education, governance and democracy, >health, languages and cultures, economy and productivity - Traverse axes: environment, I generate, >populations socially discriminated against.

Among all to identify to the groups that are working in the region in these topics and that they are not incorporate to Mistica for:
a) to invite them to incorporate and to enrich our VC
b) independently that they incorporate to the VC, to include their information in the clearinghouse

This activity could take us what subtracts of the month of September and simultaneously to go advancing the discussion has more than enough recommendations of Calendar of Action. I believe that it is important to notice some terms, mainly in this Stage, then otherwise we run the risk of not being able to translate our restlessness and interests in concrete proposals and Mistica has among their objectives to impact in our region with action initiatives. In summary, to add but mass criticizes to strengthen the recommendations.

It is for the time being everything. We continue.


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Last modified: 13/09/1999