Red Sobre el Impacto Social de las TIC
Proyectos colectivos

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Other side of the divide

Latin-American and Caribbean Perspectives on the WSIS

Project realized with the support of Agence de la Francophonie

Section 1: Visions. Principles and values that govern the regional direction towards IS PDF(913 kB)

Working the Internet with a Social Vision
Comunidad Virtual Mistica

Knowledge-based international aid: Do we want it, do we need it?
Rosa-María Torres

A methodological proposal for measuring the transition to Knowledge Society in Latin American countries
Carlos Bianco
Gustavo Lugones
Fernando Peirano

The Digital Divide : the same division of resources?
Daniel Pimienta

ICT, Development, and Poverty Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean
Susana Finquelievich

Ideas to rethink Connectivity in Rural Areas
Miguel Saravia

Civil Society Access to Direct Management of Communication Media
Gustavo Gómez
Section 2: WSIS from LAC PDF(618 kB)

Declaration of somos@telecentros for World Summit on the Information Society
Comité Interino de somos@telecentros

World summit on the information society seen from the field: Do we enter the play or do we criticize from outside?
Daniel Pimienta

World Summit on the Information Society: Is the Outcome a Foregone Conclusion?
Paulo Lima

We Must Debate about the Right to Communication with Open Mindness
Marco Navas Alvear

Latin America gearing up for the World Summit on the Information Society
Valeria Betancourt
Section 3: The IS from LAC: Topics and experiences PDF(575 kB)

Thinking about knowledge society in Costa Rica
Kemly Camacho

Information Society in Haiti: mechanisms and conditions for technological empowerment
Gotson Pierre

The role of the civil society in info-inclusion processes
Paulo Lima
Graciela Baroni Selaimen

Communities and civil portals: ¿What for?
Rubén Araya Tagle

Indigenous people and the information society in Latin America and the Caribbean: A framework for action
Isabel Hernández
Silvia Calcagno

Bringing Up Citizens for the Information Society: The experience taken from the Communitarian Information Network Operators
Rodrigo Garrido
Manuel Morales
Alejandra Villarroel

Final report

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