Networks-and-Development-Foundation. |
<<Since the early 90's, FUNREDES' position is that "ICT for Development" is NOT about plugging and playing, chatting and surfing, getting information abroad, converging to one language, one culture and one market. It's about empowering persons and communities, collaborating and social networking, producing local content, facilitating diversity of languages, cultures and opinions.>>
English Version |
Dicember 2022: Tribute given to Daniel Pimienta from Dominican ICT Chamber for his contributions to ICT in Dominican Republic and acknowledgment given by Daniel Pimienta to the teams and partners involved in activities in the Dominican Republic.
However, the project, existing since 1998, about measuring languages and cultures in the Internet is maintained and transformed into another NGO : go check the Observatory of Linguistic and Cultural Diversity on the Internet (OBDILCI).
Other activities are maintained by the Ex President of FUNREDES: Information Literacy - Critical reflexion on the Internet evolution
(*) Those marked with star are still broken and reached thru
You can also check the main presentations online : PRESENTATIONS
Or go into some a short selection of books or papers which received Funredes contributions:
If you are interested in Internet archeology (LA&C Internet history 1988-1996) see our new presentation in Spanish : Part of the prehistory of the Internet in the Caribbean: the experience of FUNREDES in its initial period 1988-1995, Roundtable: "Development of the Internet in decade of XX century and its influence in Cuba y the rest of Latin America", in HICAL, Informatica2016, La Habana, 14-18 de Marzo, 2016 and read the paper associated with the presentation.
Then you can either go into our Gopher simulation or discover our first historical website, as it was in 1998, reporting on projects about regional or national research and civil society networks, such as REDALC (regional), RCP (Peru). REDID (Dominican Rep.), REHRED (Haiti)and many others, or visit the complete version of our website as of 2012 , as it is kept by the Wayback Machine of Internet Archive.
A clarification about the history of the Internet in the Dominican Republic, in Spanish, (01/18/2022).
If you want to know more detailed information on events, publications and research activities go to FUNREDES's head home page.
Below a table of webpages created during the FUNREDES process besides the most important projects mentioned above:
1997 |
ICT players in LAC |
1998 |
1998 |
1998 |
Conference on water |
1999 |
Contest for Funredes website |
2000 |
Shorten distance between Haitian and Dominican Civil Society |
2000 |
Cooperative Approach to the Realization of Internet Based CAD |
2000 |
First Discussion list with automatic translation |
2001 |
Discussion List Health project |
2003 |
Multi-stakeholder partnership failure case |
2006 |
Directory of civil society organizations |